
Interactive Holiday Movie Workout

Besides chugging hot cocoa, baking all the holiday treats and driving around to see the festive decorated lights… our favorite holiday pastime is THE MOVIES! There are so many classics to choose from and only so much time to watch them all. I present you this fun...

5 Best Fitness Equipment Pieces For Your Home

Have you seen #TastyGarageGym… it’s not nice by ANY MEANS, but my low-budget garage gym get the job done. With so many at-home resources, gym memberships are becoming a thing of the past.  You have a huge variety of workouts at your fingertips and need...

3 Ways to Reduce Stress Quickly

Stress is inevitable, knowing how to cope is crucial. Your body responding to demands, deadlines, expectations or pressure is stress. This can be felt in a minor way when you’re hyped for a project during crunch time or it can be devastating if life feels like it is...

Glowing Skin

Healthy, glowing skin is what goals are made of. I will be the first to admit, until late last year — I was not taking good care of my skin. When you look good, you feel confident and do good! I am breaking down the best tips to get your glow. These tools should...